General Practice Content Commons

Help to reduce your risk of Type 2 Diabetes

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Diabetes is a serious condition which affects thousands of people across our area every year.

90% of adults with Diabetes have Type 2 Diabetes.

What can we do about it?

Fortunately Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented by making practical improvements to the way you live – including your diet, how much you exercise and maintaining a healthy body-weight.

Even if you have been told that you are currently living with Pre-Diabetes or Borderline-Diabetes, these changes can still help you achieve “remission” – meaning you no longer have Pre- or borderline Type 2 Diabetes.

To support you to make these changes to your lifestyle the NHS offers the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP); locally the NDPP is delivered by Reed Wellbeing.

In our area, the NDPP has helped 80% of people participating achieve remission of their Pre- or Borderline Diabetes.


The NDPP is a 12-week programme that will set you up with brilliant tools and tips to help you improve your diet and lifestyle to help maintain a healthy body-weight.

At the moment the programme is delivered virtually to help patients stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic; it is available in English, Urdu, Punjabi, Polish, French and Spanish.

You can choose to follow the programme over the phone, through video consultation, or an app on your mobile.

The NDPP is completely free to take part in to all NHS patients.

What next?

If you think you may be at high risk of Type 2 Diabetes, you can find out your risk level through; using this tool is easy and only takes a few minutes, and if you are at high risk of Type 2 Diabetes the tool will signpost you to help you refer yourself to the NDPP or to speak to your GP.

Following the programme could make a huge positive difference to your health and wellbeing!