General Practice Content Commons

Alert: This website is for healthcare professionals only

This content is provided for the benefit of NHS healthcare organisations only.
Do not link directly to the content.

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Welcome to the General Practice Content Commons

Share, embed, or download content to use on your Practice Website

How the content commons work

All the content included in the commons has been contributed by other GP practices, PCNs, ICBs, has been written by our own team or partners we work with (such as Online Access providers)

If you use our Practice365 Website solution, you can add any of this content to your site with one click (just visit Broadcast > Parent Pull > Pull List, in your admin area), but if you use another service, please feel free to copy and paste and amend as you wish.

Quote / Testimonial:

Producing content you’d like to share with GP Practices?

Submit your content to the Commons.

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