General Practice Content Commons

Quit smoking this Stoptober

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Stoptober is back this October with a new national campaign designed to encourage and support smokers to quit for good. While smoking rates have declined in recent years, over 5 million people in England still smoke and it remains the single biggest cause of preventable illness and death. Since its inception in 2012, Stoptober has successfully helped 2.5 million smokers to make a quit attempt and has become a well-recognised annual event in the public health calendar.

The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘When you stop smoking, good things start to happen’; reminding smokers of the many benefits of quitting and providing useful tips to help them on their quitting journey. The campaign will encourage smokers to search ‘Stoptober’, directing them to a range of information and free support tools on the Better Health – Quit Smoking website.

Better Health Quit Smoking

Better Health Quit Smoking resources promote the benefits of quitting smoking and signpost to a range of support. Resources include wallet cards, posters, social assets, animations, key messages and more. These can be used year-round at a time that suits your local activity.